ENTRY #9 - The necessity of alkalinity and 'The pH Miracle' sort of book review.
A late Christmas present 🎁 and also HNY.
May I begin by wishing my forlorn, forgotten, deserted and abandoned subscribers a Happy New Year and a Merry Orthodox Christmas ☦️ Apart from this post, I hope that you received every present you wanted, and that none of you have died from the vaccine between now and the last time I posted.
So I read that book I’d recommended a few posts back. To be more exact I read the first of its three parts, can’t remember if I read the second,1 and definitely didn’t read the third.
The book, The pH Miracle by Dr Robert Young and his wife Shelley Redford Young, puts forth the case that the quality of our health is determined in great part - and that may be an understatement - by the pH level of our bodies. When pH is off. Things go wrong. Excess alkalinity is a thing but, as argued by the authors, chronic acidity is the primary reason for ill health in the modern world.
The book’s verdict:
Acidification and over-growth of negative microforms in the body are root causes of every symptom, illness, and disease.
- The pH Miracle
According to the book, those negative microforms grow and thrive in acidic environments. More on that soon. Consequences of over-acidity included by the authors are as follows:
Weight problems, allergic reactions, fatigue, neurological imbalance, blood sugar disregulation, vaginal infection, menstrual difficulties, impotence, infertility, prostatitis, rectal itch, UTIs, athlete’s foot, rashes, moles, rough skin, acne, skin tumours; respiratory conditions like congestion, sore throat, earache, asthma and bronchitis; then childhood problems like ear infection, tonsilitis, colic, constipation, diarrhoea.
Vaccine detox is an effort of total health reclaim. In order that this objective may be attained, what the book argues to be the root causes of “every symptom, illness and disease”, will have to be quashed.
pH and Acidity
Alright chemistry lesson time.
The pH scale runs from 1-14. Seven is neutral, below that’s acidic, above seven is basic, i.e. alkaline. In case you had wondered, pH stands for potential of hydrogen. That’s potential as in ‘electrostatic potential’. Fortunately, properly working out exactly what that means isn’t necessary in getting to grips with this topic, but we need to know about the hydrogen part.
From my brief scurry into the relevant Wikipedia page I gathered that acidic solutions have higher concentrations of hydrogen ions. So the lower the pH value, the more hydrogen ions we have knocking about.
Hydrogen ions (H+) in acidic solutions are of the cation variety. That means they’re down an electron. And that makes them sad so they possess a positive charge which can attract an electron from elsewhere in order that they become the real atoms they’ve always dreamt of being.
Sounds about right. We’ll go with that.
So, when acid reacts with a substance, the acid’s positively charged H+ ions will draw electrons from negatively charged molecules.
Take a human molecule for instance (we’re negatively charged). It would be good for a hydrogen ion to react with it, because it would get the electron it’s after, but not so good for the human molecule, because it would lose electrons and its electrochemical structure would change. That’s the way that powerful acids are able to burn and corrode things.
Chemistry lesson over 😅
Overacidity’s Effects
Acidity’s corrosive action in the body is affirmed by the authors but, of overacidity’s properties, its share of the harm in overacidity’s overall damage is not made clear.
What is, however, made clear, is that overacidity causes a lowering of tissue oxygen levels which in turn disrupts cellular metabolism.
The book states:
The entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environment.
- The pH Miracle
If tissue pH deviates too far to the acid side, oxygen levels decrease and cellular metabolism will stop. In other words, cells die.
- The pH Miracle
Accordingly, from cellular death follow system dysfunction and failure. We don’t want that.
The technicality of overacidity’s relation to oxygen depletion is not explained by the book. And neither did I gather if these issues had a relation to the corrosive nature of overacidity. But, given that overacidity produces such results, it’s easy to see why the body needs to regulate it pH levels very tightly - 7.365 being the optimum level.
In order to counteract excess acid when it arises, the body must pull neutralising alkaline minerals from where they can be found. Magnesium is taken from the muscles, calcium from the bones, reserves of sodium and potassium are called in. When the demand is sufficiently great and the body has exhausted its mineral supply, problems of deficiency come about. For example, magnesium, along with its role in regulating cardiac function, is involved in something like 300 enzymatic processes. From that example alone you can gather an idea of how mineral deficiency will cause disease.
To clear acids and their wastes from the blood, the body then pushes them into the lymphatic system. Whatever isn’t neutralised or flushed out of the body (think acne, eczema, coughs and so on) is sent back into the bloodstream. And, in a destructive recycling of acids and wastes in and out of blood and lymph, the body has to damage itself further to deal again with what it has already faced. To avert meltdown, the body has to develop fat structure to move acids and wastes from the organs – giving overacidity a responsibility for obesity.
First-order harms of overacidity recap: cellular metabolic failure, micronutrient deficiency, weight gain.
Those harms are more than enough to cause a very large set of diseases, but a slew of further ills are caused by the negative microform overgrowth that takes hold in acidic conditions.
When we say microform we mean:
Bacteria 🦠
Fungi 🍄
And microzymas - pleomorphic organisms in the body, proposed by the 18th century French scientist Antoine Béchamp, that can transmute into cells which comprise the body (heart, bone, brain, etc.) or further negative microforms.2
Alright, so acidic conditions beget a low oxygen environment. And, as it happens, negative microforms like those two things. Why these microforms thrive in high acidity and low oxygen is not explained, but acidic conditions, somehow,3 cause microzymas to transmute into further negative microforms .
The book gives the example of corpse decomposition to illustrate the sort of thing that happens as a result of negative microform presence. When bodies die, and stop breathing, they become anaerobic (meaning ‘without oxygen’), which is the condition that microforms require grow in and breakdown bodies. Given too much acidity and too little oxygen, this process will essentially play out in living bodies. Decomposition via microforms is a necessary part in our physiology, but in excess this amounts to rotting from the inside. Added to that unhappy thought, microforms produce toxic byproducts which contribute to the extensive set of illness they cause.
Since microzymas are an ever-present feature of our bodies, disease can manifest in the body without you having to ‘catch’ a bug that’s flying about town. Internal, overacidic conditions cause disease to manifest without the introduction of external pathogens.
Back in the day, Béchamp and his mate Louis Pasteur, another Frenchman, were raging with each other over this cause of disease question. Béchamp held this internal problem theory, and Pasteur reckoned that intruding ‘germs of the air’ were the culprits. Anyway Pasteur won the popularity contest, and what he proposed has been the common understanding ever since. Invading pathogens of course play their role but, as the book puts it:
If you throw seeds on concrete, they won’t grow. They have to meet fertile soil. So it is with germs.
- The pH Miracle
The list of symptoms that the book names these body-munching, toxin-producing microforms as responsible for is far too long for me to write or ask you to read so I’m just going to drop the picture below.
Not good hey, we’ve better move on to talking about how to fix the issue.
If one is to induce mental images of being consumed by microbes from the inside out, then he ought to remedy them.
I am, however, not going to do that.
Or not quite in full at least. This is because mainly I’ve enough reservations about the book’s prescriptions that the proposed remedies are not worth laying out in detail.
Essentially, the authors recommend a plant-based diet. That this is a disagreeable prospect aside, it is at odds with what I understand to be true. I don’t believe it to be the case that animal protein, dairy or sugar are harmful, but rather that in their right forms they are in fact very good. I drank raw milk recently and literally felt like I had consumed medicine, as a quick personal example.
The aforementioned isn’t a full list of my disagreements and queries with the book, but with that said, its method does seem to get the job done. Testimony of health transformation from the authors’ professional practice abounds; massive weight loss, defeated cancers, and health transformations of all kinds. By their method acidity is curtailed and microforms defeated. But I maintain my doubts that a permanent imposition of Russian Orthodox Lent, which is basically the prescription,4 is required for success.
Subsidiary to the dietary recommendations is supplementation. The dedicated chapter recommends a medicine cabinet’s worth of remedies. They’re too great in number to put down here, but magnesium, along with all its other benefits, feels like a good idea for its acidic neutralising property, and hydrogen peroxide or ‘pH drops’ sounded useful.
Exercise is given its due. We all know its benefits to be myriad but it’s pointed out that acids are flushed out in sweat and that it prevents blockage in the lymphatic system.
That’s all I’ve to report on the book’s advice for the moment. Moving onto..
My Own Brilliant Ideas
I don’t know that the plant-based approach isn’t the most effective way of attaining alkalinity. It may be the case that adhering to a strict diet for a time in order to detox of the vaccine would be well worth it. But before concluding this question of diet, here are a few of my own suggestions conducive to pH optimisation.
In researching pH, I realised that it would make sense to think that grounding, along with its many other healing benefits, would regulate pH in the body. As explained at the beginning of the article, acidic solutions have a greater concentration of positively charged hydrogen ions which lack electrons. When we connect to the earth, electrons flow up from the ground and into us, and, presumably, to the electron-incomplete hydrogen ions which would become hydrogen atoms of neutral charge. Thereby, the concentration of positively charged hydrogen ions in the body would reduce, making it less acidic. To what extent grounding balances pH I don’t know, but as far as I can see the thinking adds up.
Improper breathing “can lead to low carbon dioxide levels in the blood, which can subsequently lead to disturbances of the acid-base balance in the blood and lower tissue oxygen levels.”5 Correct breathing technique increases tissue oxygenation. Negative microforms enjoy low oxygen environments so the less anaerobic we are, the less they’re able to gain a foothold in our bodies. Nasal breathing increases body oxygen uptake by 10-20%, so do that if you don’t. And if you want to get a head start here, look into the Buteyko method. A practice of breath retraining developed in the 50s by its Ukrainian namesake.
Without without sentencing ourselves to veganism to restore pH balance, the surest way to recalibrate your sense for what your body requires nutritionally is to just not eat anything for two or three days. Those who have ever done this know that the body tells you exactly what you need.
Optimising pH forms part of the foundational element of detox, where health is strengthened in order that the body may marshal its power and get rid of the bad stuff6
That being said, according to Dr Ariyana Love, nanotech replication is arrested in conditions of high cellular oxygenation. If that’s the case then that would make the power of optimal pH increase in effect as alkaline conditions increase in prevalence in the body, and suggests that regulated pH is more necessary condition rather than a mere boon to detox.
There’s more to investigate for me. The relation between pH and oxygen levels, and how alkalinity can be attained in the diet for example. But that’s all for now and I hope that this piece has been reasonably coherent and was helpful in building your understanding of how to go about getting rid of the vaccine.
this article with all your friends.
And also
with all your friends.
If there’s anything that makes sense in my head but not in my writing, or something in my untutored scientific understanding needs to be corrected, then you’re welcome and invited to write comments or join the Anti Vaccy-C Boi7 subscriber chat - where you can be the first to contribute 😁
Hope that works.
Till next time.
I remembered - I didn’t read it.
The meme which holds scientific understanding of yesteryear as pitifully ignorant and medieval is too often accepted, but this microzymas thing does feel a bit underdeveloped. How, for instance, do they differ from stem cells?
I don’t know how.
Actually I think fasting in Eastern Orthodoxy permits more fish than this book does - so it’s worse.
From Wikipedia.
I think, more or less, this is the correct conception.
I need a better name so badly.